Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bunny Vika's Lazy Day

Once upon a time, there was a bunny named Lazy Vika.  She liked to eat carrots, hop in the forest, and watch television.  But she was very, very lazy on weekends.  She was very curious to know how else she could be described besides "lazy" and so she decided she would look at a thesauras to find synonyms.  If she had actually opened the book, she would have discovered these synonyms:  faineant, indolent, otiose, slothful, work-shy, apathetic, careless, comatose, dallying, dilatory, drowsy, dull, flagging, idle, inattentive, indifferent, indolent, inert, lackadaisical, laggard, languid, languorous, lethargic, lifeless, loafing, neglectful, passive, procrastinating, remiss, shiftless, slack, slow, slow-moving, snoozy, somnolent, supine, tardy, tired, torpid, trifling, unconcerned, unenergetic, unindustrious, unperserving, unready, weary, backward, behindhand, delaying, deliberate, late, lax, leisurely, lingering, loitering, moratory, negligent, puttingoff, snail-like, tarrying, time-wasting, unhasty, unhurried, lulling, nodding, restful, sluggish, slumberous, soothing, and soporific.

But actually, before she opened the book she decided she was too lazy to read.  So she went to sleep.  THE END.  0___o

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