Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Vasylyna's Not-So-Smooth Journey

Once upon a time there was a hamster named Vasylyna. Aside from using her hamster wheel on a regular basis and making cozy nests out of tissue paper, Vasylyna also loved to travel. So when she managed to find a cheap flight to Chicago from Kyiv, she had to jump at the chance. But as is often the case, her trip did not go as planned.

About two hours into the 11-hour flight, a flight attendant went on the intercom, announced that the pilot was suffering from a heart attack, and asked if there was a doctor on board who could help. When nobody responded, Vasylyna, who had a degree in economics but absolutely no medical training, decided she had nothing to lose. She was taken into the cockpit where she administered CPR and successfully revived the pilot. As this was going on, the panic-stricken co-pilot began to hyperventilate. Vasylyna handed him a paper bag and instructed him to get some rest. With nobody piloting the plane, it began to descend rapidly. As it was about to plunge into the Atlantic Ocean, the hamster grabbed the throttle and brought the plane up and under control.

Around nine hours later, Vasylyna approached the airport and successfully landed the aircraft. The 200 passengers burst out into applause and the city mayor was on the tarmac ready to welcome the heroic hamster.

"Welcome to Chicago and O'Hare Airport," said the mayor, "Here are the Keys to the City. We are officially declaring today Vasylyna Day in your honor!" That's when Vasylyna realized her terrible mistake: she had landed at the wrong Chicago airport. The flight was supposed to arrive at Chicago Midway. When she pointed this out, everybody felt let down. "You should be ashamed of yourself!" called out somebody from the crowd. The mayor was as disappointed as the rest. "You can keep the key, but because of your irresponsible actions, Vasylyna Day will be cut to 6 p.m after which it will just be a regular day again."

As the crowd began to quietly disperse, Hector the Squirrel approached Vasylyna with a floret of broccoli, which he handed to her. "Listen, we all make mistakes. Yesterday I forgot about a cake in the oven, and by the time I realized this, it was basically a charred brick. So I feel for you. You'll do better next time." As Vasylyna munched on the delicious broccoli floret, she thanked him and agreed that the sun would come up tomorrow. Unless it rained or whatever.